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Healthy Cooking Oils

We expertly cold-press our oils using hand-picked ingredients known for their high nutritional value. Experience pure goodness with each drop, as we blend tradition and well-being for your family's nourishment. Welcome to authentic, quality oils for every meal.

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Healthy Cooking Oils

Our oils are pure, natural, and never blended or diluted, making them a smarter choice for a balanced diet when used in moderation. We take pride in carefully sourcing and cold pressing only the finest ingredients, offering you a range of cooking oils that meet our high standards for quality and flavor – the same standards we adhere to when sharing them with our friends and families.

Join Our Story

Choosing our products means stepping into a legacy that cherishes sustainable and wholesome living. Delve into a culinary narrative that honours heritage and quality, nurturing wellness and bridging generations through the art of cold-pressing oils. We invite you to be part of a community where every drop tells a story steeped in tradition and authenticity.

Why choose our oils…

Embark on a journey where ancient traditions handed down by family bonds harmonise with contemporary well-being that blends beautifully across cultures. 

At the Ancient Grain & Oil Company. Our methods, perfected across generations, signify a deep commitment to purity and quality. Utilising gentle techniques to extract oils from seeds, avocados and nuts without heat or chemicals, we capture their vibrant flavors and nutrient-rich profiles, promising nothing but the finest to you.

Our carefully chosen ingredients stand testament to our dedication to providing healthier options for families and the health conscious. Every product we offer is ethically sourced and organic, untouched by additives, no bulkers added or blends with other oils, or artificial flavorings. We pride ourselves on using only the best produce available to press our oils in house. 

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